
Coach V reaches 500 wins

Purdy and Cassville softball coach Lori Videmschek earned her 500th career high school softball coaching win, defeating Crane 11-1 on April 4. Videmschek was also inducted into the Missouri High School Fastpitch Coaches Association Hall of Fame this year.
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Jig On the Water

April 12, 2023 The river is at 103 CFS as of Sunday, so dry fly fishing is getting better. Fish were hitting elk hair caddis, blue wing olives, beetles, ants, stimulators, and para Adams.
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Trojans set high expectations

Southwest celebrated a historic district title on the hardwood in February, and the Trojan baseball players hope to deliver another trophy this year on the diamond. Derek Mann, Southwest baseball coach, said the team’s fall season was excellent preparation and setup for a season with a significant goal.
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