Barry County

Power of Pink making milestones

Power of Pink is celebrating its 14th year of service to women diagnosed with breast cancer by raising a record $53,442.90 in donations to four Pink Ladies of 2024. Janice McCracken, Power of Pink founder and organizer, said including this year’s recipients, the organization has helped 54 women total and raised $415,265.51.
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Meet the Ladies

In 2024, Power of Pink gave out $13,360.73 to four women undergoing breast cancer treatment. Janice McCracken founder and organizer of Power of Pink said 2024, its 14th year, has been the biggest yet.
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Through the Years, Oct. 2

40 YEARS AGO: AGING LAND TURTLE — In May, 1940, Pete Tucker of Cassville carved his initials and the date in a land turtle near Eagle Rock. Just recently, Buford Ball found the terrapin in his yard. Tucker said his RFT initials were barely visible on the shell. He estimated the terrapin was about one-quarter mile from where he released it 44 years ago.
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Haven of the Ozarks Pet of the Week, Oct. 2

Meet Saint John. This good-looking guy was found along with seven other siblings dumped in an area community. Law Enforcement picked them up, and they came to the Haven in hopes of finding better humans. Saint John and siblings are lab mix dogs and their estimated date of birth is July 10. They will be large size dogs when full grown. They were very scared upon arrival but are very friendly and loving now. Adopters can complete an application at adopt.
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Sheila Harris: A conundrum

My brother’s daughter Britney (“Brit”) left us on July 27, 2023, not by choice, but because remaining was no longer an option. Diagnosed with an aggressive form of central nervous system cancer when she was 30 years old, Brit fought valiantly for the sake of “her boys,” her husband and then-9-yearold son.
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