Barry County

Lady Trojans testing IQ

Going 9-13 this season, the Southwest softball team consistently worked on one major goal — testing its IQ. Emily Snyder, Lady Trojans softball coach, said the team this season achieved some team goals and missed some others.
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Through the Years, June 12

40 YEARS AGO: CATFISHING GETTING GOOD — Proof that trotline catches of catfish are possible came to Cassville this week in the person of Burl Mitchell and Emmett Allen. Joined by Ron Bailey, the anglers took these 36- and 30-pound beauties off a line Monday morning.
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Family history specialist serves across the country while remaining home

James Ray Schad, of Purdy, was recently set apart as an elder and senior service missionary for the Arkansas Bentonville Mission, VROC Grand Canyon Virtual Operations Center, where he will be helping people across the country with their family trees by indexing old historical records. Schad is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints and a 2015 graduate of Purdy High School.
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Barry County Sheriff’s Office calls for service and reports taken, June 3-9

The Barry County Sheriff's Office responded to 215 calls for service for the week of June 3-9. The CAD events created by central dispatch are the Calls for Service Barry County Officers respond to every day, included in those calls are alarms, assaults, burglaries, domestic disturbances, DWI's, stealing, harassment, medical issues, paper service, prisoner transports, suspicious persons, traffic stops and warrant service.
Read MoreBarry County Sheriff’s Office calls for service and reports taken, June 3-9