Barry County

Lady Trojans double numbers

The Southwest girls basketball team has doubled its roster from last year, embarking on a season without no seniors and under new management. Shawn Johnson, former assistant coach in his first year as head coach, said he brings 23 years as a coach, including 13 in JV or junior high basketball and 10 in varsity softball, and he’s excited to see what the Lady Trojans can do this season.
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Dakoda Pettigrew: The meaning of the Declaration

The rain was falling with misty, unrelenting force as President Calvin Coolidge rose to deliver the greatest speech of his life. It was Monday, July 6, 1926, and the rain beat the president’s face as he stood before a crowd of 35,000 on the grounds of the Sesquicentennial Exposition in Philadelphia, the birthplace of American independence and constitutionalism. “Despite a fine drizzle, which became a heavy downpour,” The New York Times reported the next day, “the crowds patiently lined twenty miles of streets to pay their respects” to a man whose cool and quiet demeanor hid a patriotic intellect that could not be contained.
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Through the Years, Nov. 27

40 YEARS AGO: FIRST PLACE PARADE ENTRIES — The floats pictured above and below received first place recognition in Cassville’s Christmas parade here Saturday evening. Each received $150 first prize money from the sponsoring Chamber of Commerce.
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Purdy students feed families in need

Students in Amy Harkey’s Prostart I & II Courses at Purdy High School prepared and distributed 250 healthy, complete meals of chicken and vegetable fried rice for families in their community last week. The meals, prepared through the Kids Feeding Kids program, were donated to families served by Purdy Prostart I students.
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