
Drake Thomas: Rules in summer aren’t a bummer; the beauty of keeping a schedule during off seasons

Reading that title may give you pause. Summer is a time for respite, rejuvenation — and most importantly, no alarms — right? Why in the world would anyone want to keep their rigid normal schedule when the days are longer, and cookouts, ball games and pool parties seem to jump out from every direction? It is difficult to convince little minds that it is bedtime when the sun sits low and fat on the horizon boasting perfect playing light, before disappearing completely and giving the stage to twinkling fireflies that hover at the perfect height to be cupped and observed by tiny hands.
Read MoreDrake Thomas: Rules in summer aren’t a bummer; the beauty of keeping a schedule during off seasons

Drake Thomas: Weathering the storm — The unpredictability of child behavior

It seems that spring has sprung here in the Ozarks! Daffodils and dogwoods are in full bloom, the grass and trees have returned to their lively green selves, and a buzz down any road out of city limits will likely show you new spring calves and lambs at their mothers’ sides. As warm and enjoyable as the weather has been, as a born and bred Missourian, I know that the sweet spring weather can quickly turn sour.
Read MoreDrake Thomas: Weathering the storm — The unpredictability of child behavior