
Waste Warriors unite!

Barry County Waste Warriors, a new community group focused on cleaning litter in the area, met on Saturday to focus on cleaning by Highway 248 near the Cassville Area YMCA. Demetrius Wilson, 7, is pictured pitching a piece of trash into a bag being held by Levi Boxley, of Cassville.
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Through the Years, March 26

30 YEARS AGO: HARLEY THE WOOFER — A roofing project on a Cassville residence this week provided an unusual view of the crew and their “Woofer.” Harley, a seventh month old pit bull, was on the roof at the Beverly Brock home, running around obviously enjoying what he was doing. Harley the “woofer” belongs to Chris Morrow of Eagle Rock.
Read MoreThrough the Years, March 26