The generally predictable summer slump in sales tax revenues surfaced in August as income to Barry County cities and county governments dipped overall by 5% from a year ago. Barry County’s seven cities collecting sales tax took in $812,010.58 in August, down 3% from a year ago.
Having made history last season with its first-ever district title, the Cassville softball team is embarking on a new campaign this season with loads of experience and a new coach at the helm. Cassville is coming off one of its best seasons ever, going 16-15, tying the most wins on record for the team, set in 2011 and tied again in 2023.
For the fifth consecutive year, the Stumpff Family Event Center has donated 10% of the gate proceeds from the Barry County Truck & Tractor Pull to the Shell Knob Shrine. All funds donated go to the children’s burn center and patient travel expenses. Organizers Donnie and Teresa Stumpff thank the event’s attendees, participants and sponsors.
The Cassville school district has two staff members now certified as School Safety Specialists. John Lueckenhoff and Dylan Klewer attended the recent School Safety Academy hosted by Missouri School Boards’ Association’s Center for Education Safety.
Since the earliest days of human history, our neighbors have shaped our lives in profound ways. It’s difficult to find true purpose if we can’t first create a sense of peace with the people around us.
A great place to comb through early Missouri history is the Missouri Judicial Records Historical Database on the Missouri Digital Heritage website. This database offers many pre-1900 court cases with images available for online viewing in many instances.
A local organization is gauging interest in a downtown facade project, looking for property owners in the downtown area interested in restoring the historic facades and possibly neon signage to their buildings. Those interested may submit their contact information to the Cassville Democrat at 417-847-2610, or by email at