The city of Cassville has awarded a contract for mulching of vegetative debris from the May 26 windstorm piled high west of the municipal airport. The city sought bids on grinding 17,740 cubic yards of debris — equal to about 5,980 tons of mulch — as well as mobilization costs.
City officials discuss fence dispute between neighbors The Purdy City Council received good news on its lead pipe inventory during its October board meeting. Kevin Cook, public works foreman, reported the city’s review of water pipes in its limits had been finished ahead of the schedule set by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.
As recently as 2016, once a month, the city would drop off its council meeting packet at my office — about 60-100 pages of agenda, minutes, the check register, project bids and department reports. I referred to the file as my monthly light reading, but I’ll let you in on a little journalism secret: some of the best news is buried.