
Donnie Spears: Make a stand for God

First, Live in The Fear of the Lord; Proverbs 14:26,27 ”In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence, And His children will have a place of refuge. The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, To turn one away from the snares of death.“ What is it to walk in the “Fear of the Lord”. It is obedience, it is trust, it is complete confidence, it is comfort and a place of safety .
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Jon Horner: Happy World Creativity and Innovation Day

What a great time to celebrate creativity and innovation! Sunday was World Creativity and Innovation Day, and this month we got to witness the Great American Eclipse, which definitely didn’t disappoint after the massive publicity build up ahead of the event. The eclipse and the excitement building up to it was very similar to the excitement in our nation during the NASA Moon program in the late 60s.
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Kristina Atwood: Stay scam savvy

Every week, it seems like we hear about a new scam that we need to keep our eye out for, whether it comes in the form of a person going door-to-door, a phone call, text message, mail, or email. We have to pay attention to mail that looks official, but isn’t, text messages, phone calls, and email that appears to come from an official sounding number or uses official sounding and sometimes threatening messages which aren’t true, and people who come to the door that look official and may not be.
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