
The reason for the season

Through all the commercialism and gift-giving to Santa and elves on shelves, one Cassville woman is hoping to help locals remember the reason for the Christmas season — the birth of Jesus Christ. Wife of Cassville United Methodist Church Pastor Jeff Fugitt, Jamie Fugitt has been collecting Nativity scenes for more than 40 years, and more than 120 unique scenes are on display at the church through Jan.
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Rich Cummings: I’d rather have Jesus

There is a game that many of you have played called “Would You Rather?” In this game someone asks the question “Would You Rather?” followed by two options that are almost identically horrible or distasteful. Would You Rather lick a public picnic table or try and pick up a skunk? As you can see, neither is all that satisfying or even desirable.
Read MoreRich Cummings: I’d rather have Jesus