law enforcement

Randy Kalbaugh: Sheriff Questionnaire 3 (Administration)

It does not matter if the budget is $400 or 4 million. You figure what is needed and where it is needed and that is where the money gets spent. I do not plan on wasting the county’s money. I intend to be surrounded by knowledgeable staff who already have a lot of money management experience. Most work at Barry County Sheriff’s Office already. Being fiscally responsible is something I take very seriously.
Read MoreRandy Kalbaugh: Sheriff Questionnaire 3 (Administration)

Danny Boyd: Sheriff Questionnaire 2 (Jail Administration)

As the Sheriff, I am responsible for both administrations. There is really no way to set a certain amount of time for each one. I have a jail administrator and an office administrator who keep me informed daily (24/7) of any situations that require my attention. There is not a happy medium, you have to problem solve and handle situations as they come along in both administrations. If you ask any sheriff in Missouri, they will all say that the Jail is the biggest liability they have and requires more monitoring of the daily operations than the administration side.
Read MoreDanny Boyd: Sheriff Questionnaire 2 (Jail Administration)

James Morgan: Sheriff Questionnaire 1 (Law Enforcement)

The best way to address the drug problem in Barry County will be to create a narcotics unit. Many of Barry County’s crimes are committed because of the drug epidemic. Right now, meth and fentanyl are running rampant through many of our communities and have gone unchecked for far too long. If elected I would immediately begin working to create a selfsufficient narcotics unit. I will look at adding canine teams to our department to help deter drug trafficking into and around Barry County. I would like to have quarterly meeting with surrounding law enforcement agencies to discuss criminal investigations, new trends in criminal behaviors and to build strong working relationships with all Barry County law enforcement to not only stop the drug problem but to stop the thefts in our county too.
Read MoreJames Morgan: Sheriff Questionnaire 1 (Law Enforcement)