power of pink

A holistic, conventional breast cancer path
“Sugar was fueling my cancer,” said Manna Koopman. Koopman, who lives in Lowell, Ark., and was a 2024 recipient for the Wheaton-based Power of Pink organization, has a family history of breast cancer, leading her to complete genetic testing when she was diagnosed wit breast cancer.
Read MoreA holistic, conventional breast cancer path
Navigating the CARE-ousel
Twyla McInturff, former Librarian for the Wheaton School District, is fighting her second battle with breast cancer. Her first diagnosis was in 2010, and her second should have been diagnosed far faster than it was.
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Power of Pink making milestones
Power of Pink is celebrating its 14th year of service to women diagnosed with breast cancer by raising a record $53,442.90 in donations to four Pink Ladies of 2024. Janice McCracken, Power of Pink founder and organizer, said including this year’s recipients, the organization has helped 54 women total and raised $415,265.51.
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Record year for Power of Pink
Power of Pink celebrated the largest donation amount in the event’s history on Mother’s Day weekend this year. This year’s banquet and walk brought in a total of $53,442.90, giving four local women over $13,360 each to help during their fight with breast cancer.
Read MoreRecord year for Power of Pink
Kyle Troutman: A worthy and colorful cause
Inever ceased to be amazed by the extent and variety of our local philanthropic organizations. From the Cassville Education Fund’s support of our school teachers to the Cassville Community Foundation’s support of all things Cassville and Roaring River and the Soroptimist Club’s support of local women to the Cassville Rotary Club’s support of the Cassville community — and many, many more organizations I don’t have all the space to name — there is no shortage of neighbors helping neighbors in our slice of southwest Missouri.
Read MoreKyle Troutman: A worthy and colorful cause