Caption this! I was at the 2024 MSHSAA Wrestling Championships at Mizzou Arena last week taking in all the action, the best of which can turn any coach into a walking, talking emoji.
I tagged along with Publisher Kyle Troutman on Friday to the annual Career Day at the Southwest school district. He manned one of 26 tables filled with a myriad of local professionals who love their jobs enough to spend 90 minutes sharing the ins and outs of their industries.
I went down to Roaring River State Park a couple of times last week in search of the almighty Bald Eagles said to frequent the spring area this time of year, and after a few attempts, I think I’m giving up. I’ve seen a few of America’s birds, but they are soaring so high up in the sky I can’t get any good pictures of them.
I got put on a sports assignment last week and who should I run into while under the basket? None other than Cassville Superintendent Merlyn Johnson, who was half the whistle for the Exeter Diamond matchup on Thursday. Here we see Dr.