
Roark spladles way to ‘ship

Shortly into the second period of his 165-pound Class 2 championship match, Cassville junior Colten Roark hooked the leg of Hallsville’s Colt West and scored a reverse, and as his opponent attempted to stand up, Roark launched into a move he knows all too well.
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Wildcats take 2nd place at Seneca tourney

The Cassville boys wrestling team took second place out of 21 total teams competing in the 62nd People’s Bank of Seneca tournament on Saturday. Leading the way for the Wildcats was 165-pound Colton Roark, who took first place in his bracket by pinning all three of his opponents in the first round, including a pin in 19 seconds over one grappler.
Read MoreWildcats take 2nd place at Seneca tourney